In my parish I m the coordinator of music and I try to motivate our choirs to do a project to give hope to our community, I m very bless to have young people sharing their talent and continued used the power of the music virtually, In my parish our Hispanic community begin proactive by the music and faith
Thank you for sharing your music!
How did you put these videos together? Did each person perform their own part along to a reference track? Or did you find a way to perform together at the same time?
Yes, each person recorded themselves listening to a reference track, once everyone has recorded its track we used iMovie to put them all together, we started with a background and added the first video with the picture in picture option and size it accordingly, then finalize that as if it was all to be done, the second step was to use that first video as my new background and add the second video again with the picture in picture option, size it accordingly and made sure the audio matched, once audio is good and the position of rhe second video is right we finalized it again as of it was done and repeated the process for as many times as persons (tracks) were needed. Rhere is lots of videos on youtube on how to do this with iMovie by searching “how to create a multi-screen music video” of course there is other programs and some are better and easier to do than iMovie but in the case of these videos they were created with iMovie as it was the only resource I had on hand.