Rehearsing in cars using wireless microphones

Very creative solutions for small-scale physically-distant in-person rehearsals!

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What a cool idea! I’m not as familiar with the setup necessary - would this be scalable to larger groups easily? Is there hardware that allows more wireless mics to be added into the mix?

I’d be down to give this a shot - I’ll see if anyone in my area has any equipment already.

You found David Newman’s very impressive page that describes his wireless mic and FM radio setup. I’ve been doing a similar project using mostly wired mics and headsets, which we call the Driveway Choir.

I created a public Facebook group to talk more about these sorts of things, called “Making music together during COVID”. David and I, and others, have been sharing notes and ideas in that forum.

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I’ve added a draft document at that describes how to build an audio system that enables singers to sing together from nearby cars. There are some videos at the top. Near the bottom, look for “Audio systems to enable physically distant singing - Draft version 0.1.” It has some diagrams, explanation of how it all works, and lists of parts.

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This video explains how it works and talks about the cost of building a system.