Facebook Groups and Online Discussion Forums about JamKazam and Jamulus

For people using JamKazam and/or Jamulus (I use both, for different reasons), there are several active Facebook groups that might be helpful to you. They are full of tips and helpful people, but also lots of people with questions you might have as well, so you can save some time. Here are some of the ones I follow:

Facebook Groups

JamKazam Jammers. Lots of people posting here with gear and technical questions, and some people also use it to schedule jam sessions. JK founders also participate occasionally.

Jamulus (official group). Active network of supporters (including the founder of Jamulus) for technical questions.

Jamulus Online Musicians. People use this forum to meet up for jams, and of course there are also lots of technical questions here too. I find this one to be actually even more active for technical help than the official one.

Jamulus Choral Community. A group specifically focused on the challenges of using Jamulus for large-group singing situations.

Other Discussion Forums

In addition, both Jamulus and JamKazam have pretty active Forums (though Jamulus’ is much more active than JamKazam’s).

Jamulus Discussion forum on SourceForge

JamKazam Forums on jamkazam.com

Hope these are helpful to you.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks! This is a super helpful post.
I would add that the Jamulus and Jamkazam official forums are probably the best place to report bugs and technical issues related to those tools (and to research whether there are fixes for those bugs).