About me: Nathaniel Granor - a cappella, audio engineering, education

Hi everyone, I’m Nathaniel.
I’m the originator of this community. The idea came out of the discussions I’ve been having with dozens of musicians over the past few months - some people I already knew, some I met online and through friends and colleagues.

I’ve been singing in choirs since age 6 and began music directing in middle school. I have a degree in Computer Science and have always enjoyed tinkering with creative technologies. Currently I music-direct The Lost Keys and assistant direct the Chamber Chorus of the New Amsterdam Singers. I also play piano and flute.

In the last few months I’ve experimented with:

  • rehearsing in Zoom
  • making virtual choir videos
  • creating guide tracks and conductor videos for virtual choirs
  • collaborative recording in BandLab
  • low-latency audio tools including JamKazam, Soundjack, and Jamulus
  • video streaming through OBS and YouTube

I’m interested both in the technologies available as well as in coming up with procedures and methods for using those technologies with groups of people. I also enjoy explaining things to people.

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Thanks for the intro, @nathanielgranor! I look forward to gaining more insight into the tech side of things from your experiments!

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